Above: The latest Monthly Progress Report on the Public Safety Complex documents work to relocate the clubhouse for the Southborough Golf Club (images cropped from newsletter)
The committee overseeing construction of the new Southborough Public Safety Complex has shared the second issue of monthly progress reports on the project.
The July issue updates that the project is 6.21% complete. That may not seem like much, but pictures exhibit that a lot of work has taken place.
The report overviews contractors’ efforts to achieve “substantial completion” by July 1st of next year.
The Phase One work is on-going to relocate the existing Golf Clubhouse to its new location. Phase Two work is started early with the project fencing and bldg. foundation excavation
work began 7/2/18. The location for the construction of the building. mock-up is being revised to the Woodward School soccer field.
The reports are written by the contracted Owner’s Project Manager, Vertex Companies. Under issues and concerns this month, it notes:
At the time of this report, VERTEX’s primary concern is making sure that the Phase One—Relocating Golf Clubhouse is completed, so that the Phase Two Public Safety Bldg. work can proceed on schedule. CTA [Construction Managers (the General Contractor)] was concerned about completing before the deadline for Phase 1 so they inquired about utilizing the existing septic tank in the even that the new system was not ready. VERTEX inquired with Context [Architecture (the designer)] and was able to provide CTA with flow rates that would allow CTA to understand how often they would need to pump the septic tank before the new field is on line.
You can read the full issue here.
If the report raises any questions in your mind, you may want to attend tomorrow night’s Board of Selectmen meeting. The committee will be giving a formal update on the project to Selectmen.
Seems to me that the P.S.B. should have been first, not the clubhouse, The police are working in a deplorable environment in that building and need to move into the new bldg., sooner than later
Everything being done right now is for the PSB. The new septic, clearing of land, grading, and moving the club house all had to happen in order for the PSB to happen. It’s still the priority.