Southborough Police are asking residents to secure their homes and vehicles, and to be on the lookout for suspicious activity in the wake of several home break-ins.
Sergeant Sean James said five homes have been broken into in the past couple of months. James wouldn’t say where the homes were located, but did say they were on both the north and south sides of town. The crimes appear to be related.
James said the perpetrator or perpetrators forced their way into the homes in the evening hours. In each case the residents were not at home when the break-in occurred.
James said the criminals may be casing their targets during daylight hours, so he asked residents to be on the lookout and to call the police department right away if they observe suspicious activity.
“We want people to be vigilant in reporting things that are out of the ordinary,” James said. “Don’t wait until the next day to call. We’re here 24 x 7, you’re not bothering us.”
Surrounding towns have also reported home break-ins that appear to be related to the ones in Southborough, James said.
Southborough has suffered a relative rash of home and vehicle break-ins this year. In September a Middle Road resident came home to find an intruder in his home. In August, the Parmenter and Pine Hill Road area saw a spate of car break-ins. Earlier that same month, the police issued a warning for residents to be on the lookout for burglars after a home on Middle Road was broken into. A different Middle Road home was broken into in May.
Please heed the advice from the police and lock your cars and homes. If you notice anything suspicious, contact the Southborough Police Department at 508-485-2147, or call 9-1-1.
Housebreakers are human but most have feathers. They are “chickens” and won’t break into an occupied house intentionally. Here are some easy, inexpensive things you can do to avoid being a victim.
1. If you can afford it – get an alarm system. A loud one
2. Take your paper in every day and don’t let mail build up either
3. Leave a TV or radio on while you are not at home. Crooks listen after they look too.
and make it loud enough so it can be heard from any door or window.
4. Buy a leash and a dog bowl. Put it on the back porch. A big bowl.
5. Lights on timers and let your neighbors know when your away for an extended period of time.
If the house looks or sounds like someone is home, the crooks will find another “quiet” home to B&E.
I LOVE the suggestion of the leash and BIG dog food bowl!
As a result of the recent home break ins, a Southborough Crime Watch nighborhood meeting will be held at the Town’s library in the downstairs meeting room at 3PM, this Wednesday, Nov 17th. A member of the Southborough police will be there to relate what citizens can do to be pro-active and helpful to protect their homes. Interested individuals are also advised to Google “Crime Watch” or other related terms to learn what you can do to prevent crime in your neighborhood. Please feel free to contact Chris Robbins at 508-481-3797 for more details.